In January I will be exhibiting two new paintings at the
'Volution' exhibition at 1000 Pound Bend in Melbourne.
art – Alex Grey and his wife Allyson Grey as they tour the East Coast of Australia. The exhibition will open to the
public on January 6 and will continue through until January 18, leading up to Alex Grey & Allyson Grey’s live painting
event at The Astor Theatre. Artists include: Ellen Stapleton / Maria Finna / James Tapscott / Bryan Itch / Melissa
Shemanna / Melissa Williams / Anna Kumashov / Ema Hewitt Vond Barta / Alejandra Diaz / Abigail Abbott / Andy Ross /
Andy Furneaux FOR MORE INFO VISIT: www.agmtours.com

Exhibition continues until 18th January. For more info see the facebook invite: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?ei
d=145326175518482 Photos thanks to Em and AGM Tours.